Sunday, December 23, 2012

Litha themed tree

I've been trying to incorporate the Summer Solstice into our celebrations without raising any alarm bells amongst our Christian friends and family. My husband and I decided to keep the 'Christmas' tree but we tried to decorate it with a Summer's theme. We focussed mainly on reds and golds. I made some clay sun ornaments last year that we hung on the tree, and a friend made me some felt ornaments.

My husband and I also each made a charm to invoke the strength of the Sun. Basically it's four matchsticks that are tied together with red thread in the form of an eight-spoked wheel.  The live matches represent the fires of the Sun and it can be lit one-by-one during this period to release energy as you need   it. *As a safety precaution I don't think we'll be lighting the charm but rather loose matchsticks.

And here is my decorative Litha wooden spoon done with acrylic paint. This year I'd like to make a decorative spoon for each of the sabbats and esbats.

And we've definitely decided to add a candle ceremony to our celebrations. It just needs some tweaking.